(白宮 The White House)
(白宮 The White House) 史密森尼學會(Smithsonian Institution) 後方花園
(白宮 The White House)
(白宮 The White House)
不用親自到華府 DC,就可用電腦查看Tidal Basin周圍櫻花花況!
使用EarthCam - Cherry Blossoms Cam可觀看開花程度、光線變化(日到夜)和各時段遊客人數! (https://www.earthcam.com/usa/dc/cherryblossoms/?cam=cherryblossoms) (EarthCam has teamed up with the National Park Service to deliver breathtaking views of Washington, DC. This camera offers a sweeping tour of the country's capital, with stops at some of the most iconic landmarks and memorials. Front and center is the Tidal Basin, where you will see people paddle boating as they are surrounded by the Yoshino Cherry trees.)
該EarthCam亦可選擇不同角度、不同地點來觀看Tidal Basin周圍櫻花花況,並可選擇即時畫面(Live)或舊時所拍攝錄影(Archives)之畫面! 還可選擇定點 Zoom in/out 監視鏡頭!
主要有觀看:傑佛遜紀念堂Jefferson Memorial,馬丁路德金紀念碑 Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, 美國國會大廈 United States Capitol 美國國會山莊, 並遠眺華盛頓紀念碑 Washington Monument方向之櫻花花況。
DC 櫻花祭(http://www.nationalcherryblossomfestival.org/):
DC櫻花季期間所舉行之National Cherry Blossom Festival,會有遊行、音樂會、日式活動等各項體驗 (下將棋、小型紅色鳥居擺設、巫女、神官等祭祀活動供遊客拍照)!
並有販賣食物的攤販,流動攤販帳篷附近甚至會擺放流動式ATM提款機方便遊客隨時提款,但請特別注意~一般美國ATM提款機,不論是銀行或私人所設立之ATM,若使用者非以該銀行之提款卡或Debit Card提款,皆會收取金額不等之手續費(幾乎都是1美元以上)!(https://cherryblossomwatch.com/national-cherry-blossom-festival/)
https://cherryblossomwatch.com/會公布 DC櫻花滿開之預測 (2018 DC Cherry Blossom Watch),和參訪之相關資訊!
2018 DC 櫻花祭 National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade
2018 遊行: (詳情請參考~http://www.nationalcherryblossomfestival.org/parade/)
預計 2018.4.14 舉行
從上午10:00-中午 (10:00 AM-Noon)
遊行範圍: Constitution Avenue – From 7th to 17th streets, NW
費用: 基本上站立在遊行隊伍路縣旁是免費的,且開放給民眾參與!
(Standing along the Parade route from Constitution Ave. between 9th & 15th streets, NW is FREE and open to the public. Arrive early for the best views.)